
Monday, February 25, 2013

Field Activity #4: Distance Azimuth Survey


The purpose of this field activity was to conduct a survey using the distance and azimuth method. First, an in-class session was held to help us learn about the instruments we were going to be using. After learning about the instruments, a small survey was done right outside of the school with a partner. Later in the week it was our responsibility to conduct a survey in a different area of the University. This survey needed to include an area that was quarter-hectare plot, which is 50X50 meters. It also needed to include a total of at least 50 points.

This survey technique is used to accurately determine the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and are used for many applications such as creating land maps, boundaries of ownership, building and development, mining, and etc. This method relates to other sampling techniques, such as the point-quarter method, or mapping out linear features on the landscape. These methods are useful for things such as determining the population densities of individual organisms in a population or community.
Today, new technologies, including GPS and survey stations, allow for very accurate and precise surveying. However, you can’t always rely on your technology coming through for you to get the job done. It’s important to go to a job prepared for the event that your technology will fail on you. This could happen for many different reasons including: bad weather conditions, it could be raining or too cold for the equipment to work, the equipment may not be charged or batteries may run out on you, the equipment might get broken on the commute, or etc.

For this activity we were instructed to use a very basic survey technique to map out an area. Before doing this on our own we had an in-class session to learn about different instruments. These included a compass, which determines azimuth, a distance finder, which calculates slope distance, and a laser device, which determines both slope distance and azimuth (image 1).
Image 1: Three devices presented to us in class for taking the distance azimuth survey

Azimuth is the horizontal angle that is measured clockwise from a referent direction, as from the north, or from a referent celestial body, usually Polaris. Slope distance is the distance measured on sloping terrain that has not yet been converted to horizontal distance for plotting on a survey drawing or map. By using both azimuth and distance a surveyor can create an accurate survey of an area. However, when dealing with azimuth in surveying or navigation one must deal with the magnetic declination from true north. This should be addressed and accounted for before any surveying begins.

                Magnetic Declination
Magnetic declination is the angle between compass north and true north. Compass north is the direction the north end of a compass needle points, while true north, is the direction along the earth's surface towards the geographic North Pole. Magnetic declination varies both from place to place and with time. Declination is considered positive east of true north and negative when west. You can compute the true bearing from a magnetic bearing by adding the magnetic declination to the magnetic bearing. For example a magnetic declination of 10-degrees west is -10 and bearing of 45-degrees west is -45. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides a website for calculating the magnetic declination of true north at Adjustments can be made to the instruments you are using to compensate for magnetic declination. On most compasses there is a screw that can be adjusted with a screw driver. For electronic devices owner’s manuals will provide specific instructions for that specific device.

Survey Locations
Our first survey took place right outside of the school in a small area (image 2), where only 8 points were taken. These included 5 trees, 2 statues, and an emergency pole (images 3 and 4). This was a good area to learn how to use the equipment because the points we were shooting at were also large and spread out enough which made it easy to hit the targets. Another reason this was a good spot was because the whole class was together, which made it easy to talk to one another and ask each other questions about the instruments.

Image 2: Locational map of in-class session survey

Image 3: Two statues, emergency pole, and tree included in survey

Image 4: Four other trees included in survey

The second survey that my partner and I took was located very close to the first survey location (images 5-16). This area was chosen because it fit the size and points survey requirements nicely. The survey size requirements included a quarter-hectare plot, which is 50x50 meters. The survey also required at least 50 points to be taken. Points to be shot included mostly trees, beehives, wooden pallets, and a garden.

Image 5: Locational map of second survey area

Image 6: First image of panoramic view from first corner tree location of taking survey shots
Image 7: Second image of panoramic view from first corner tree location of taking survey shots

Image 8: Third image of panoramic view from first corner tree location of taking survey shots

Image 9: First image of panoramic view from second corner tree location of taking survey shots

Image 10: Second image of panoramic view from second corner tree location of taking survey shots

Image 11: Third image of panoramic view from second corner tree location of taking survey shots

Image 12: Fourth image of panoramic view from second corner tree location of taking survey shots

Image 13: First image of panoramic view from third corner garage location of taking survey shots

Image 14: Second image of panoramic view from second corner garage location of taking survey shots

Image 15: Third image of panoramic view from second corner garage location of taking survey shots

Image 16: Fourth image of panoramic view from second corner garage location of taking survey shots


                In-class session
Before going outside to use the new equipment that was just presented to us we had to calculate true north for Eau Claire, WI to see if any adjustments needed to be made to our equipment. To do this our instructor went to the NOAA website, which was presented under the magnetic declination section in the introduction. First we entered in the zip code for Eau Claire (image 17), the longitude and latitude for Eau Claire was calculated by the website (image 18), then it was able to compute for the declination (image 19).

Image 17: Entering Eau Claire, WI zip code to calculate for its magnetic declination
Image 18: Calculation of Eau Claire’s longitude and latitude

Image 19: Magnetic declination calculated
Eau Claire’s magnetic declination was calculated at 0ᵒ 59’ W. Since 0ᵒ is such a small declination no adjustments to the compass or laser.
After calculating the magnetic declination we were able to begin the survey. For this survey we were instructed to use all three instruments we just learned about so we were familiar with how they worked. First, my partner and I used the laser device to shoot our series of points. To do this my partner my partner and I took turns standing by the tree we were instructed to take our shots from (image 20).

Image 20: Taking survey shots at tree location

After taking the shot of the distance and azimuth we told one another the numbers and the other person recorded them on a piece of paper. 

Our method for recording included three columns. The first column was a description of the item whose distance and azimuth was being taken, the second column included distance in meters, and the third was the azimuth. Once all 8 points were shot at and recorded with the laser device we used the distance finder and compass to take the distance and azimuth recordings. Since there were a lot of groups who needed to use the compass we both used it a few times to get the hang of it, then handed it off to another group. We already had azimuth readings from our laser. Again, we took turns using the equipment and recording the measurements.

Once the physical part of the survey was complete we went to the computer lab and entered our recording into an Excel spreadsheet (image 21), so they could be imported into ArcMap.
Image 21: Excel Spreadsheet of survey recordings

Our Excel spreadsheet consisted of 6 columns. The first column was titled notes and contained the description of the item being recorded. The second column titled SD and contained the distance for the point with the distance finder. The third column was titled AZ and contained the azimuth of the laser device. The fourth column was titled DL and contained the recordings for the distance with the distance laser. The fifth column was titled Pt_Num and contained the number in order how the item being shot at. The Sixth column was titled X and contained contains the longitude location. Finally, the seventh column was titled Y and contained the latitude location. A few methods are possible to find the X and Y location of the tree we were shooting from. These include using a GPS, or using a high-resolution aerial image. In our case we opened up Google Earth, zoomed into the area we were surveying, put the cursor over tree we were standing at, and read the coordinates from the bottom right side of the computer screen. Lat/long were recorded in degrees with one decimal point in the degrees position. For example 91ᵒ49.96.04 W was recorded -91.499604 in the X column.
Once all the information was recorded in the spread sheet we opened ArcMap, added a base map and zoomed into the area we were surveying. Next, we created a geodatabase in ArcCatalog in our personal folder in the W drive. Once the geodatabase was created the Excel spreadsheet was imported into it. Next, we ran a tool called “Bearing Distance to Line Command”. This tool creates a new feature class containing geodetic line features constructed based on the values in an X-coordinate field, a Y-coordinated field, a bearing field, and a distance field of a table. This tool is located in ArcMap toolbox, under Data Management, and then Features (image 22).

Image 22: Location of “Bearing Distance to Line Command” tool in the toolbox in Arc Map
The tool ran, but was not able to fully execute. This is where all the critical thinking and collaboration of the professors and students came into play. First, we discovered that we needed to change the cell format for our X and Y columns to “number” and put it out 6 decimal places (image 23).
Image 23: Changing the cell format in Excel to “number” with 6 decimal places
After doing this we resaved our file, reimported it into our geodatabase, and reran the tool. This time to tool fully executed but this placement of the lines wasn’t in the area we surveyed; it was in the middle of nowhere. We thought this maybe had something to do with the projection so we made sure the data frame was projected to WGS_84. We did this just so we could compare it to the projection when we ran the tool again to make sure they were both the same. Again, we ran the tool and the lines were still in the same spot, in the middle of nowhere. Next, we used the “identity” tool in ArcMap and clicked on the map where the tree was we took our recordings from. This brought up the information about that area of the map, including the lat/long. We compared that to the lat/long we recorded from Google Earth and they were slightly different. So, we changed the numbers in our X and Y columns in our Excel spreadsheet. Again, we resaved it, reimported it into geodatabase, and reran the tool. This time it worked! Next, we had to convert our data to points. We did this by using the “Feature Vertices to Points” command. Again, this was located in the ArcMap toolbox under Data Management, and then Features (image 24).
Image 24: Location of the “Feature Vertices to Points” tool in the toolbox in ArcMap
This tool works by creating a feature class containing points generated from specified vertices or locations of the input feature. The tool ran and executed properly.

Second Survey
For the second survey we didn’t need to calculate the magnetic declination for Eau Claire because we did the day before for the first survey and knew we were fine. We decided to use the laser device since it gave us the readings for both the distance and the azimuth. Before we could start the survey we needed to figure out 50X50 boundaries. We did this by standing by one prominent tree we knew we would be able to find on aerial photo. We also downloaded a GPS on one of our smartphone to get our lat/long locations to try to get a more accurate location recording. Having a prominent tree provided us with a back-up plan in the event the readings weren’t accurate with ArcMap, just like Google Earth’s lat/long didn’t line up correctly for us for the first survey. We started shooting the laser at other trees, trying to find one that was 50 meters away. This proved difficult as no one tree was exactly 50 meters away. We eventually found a pine tree that was about 51 meters. Next, we went to that pine tree and shot until we found another location that was about 50 meters away. This ended up being the corner of a university garage building. We never established a fourth, we just stayed concise of our other 3 corners and tried to stay within our boundaries. We took lat/long recording for all 3 corner locations.

Next, we were able to start our survey. We starting taking shots and recording their measurements from the second tree locations. Within a few shots the batteries quit working. This is a perfect example of how technology fails on you. Went inside to get new ones but had to wait a half hour for the professor with the extra batteries to return to his office. In the meantime we decided to take some pictures to document our study area and our tools. As ironic as it could be, the camera wasn’t working now either. We still aren’t sure if it just got too cold or if it needed to be charged. Another prime example of how technology can fail on you. So, we came inside to warm up, charge the camera battery, and wait for new batteries for the laser. In the meantime, we started creating our Excel spreadsheet. Again, we changed our cell format for the X and Y columns to “number” and went out 6 decimal places. By this time the professor was back so we were able to get new batteries, and the camera was charged and warm enough to work.
After this was all taken care of we went back outside took pictures to document our study area and methods, and finished our survey. We took the rest of our points and recordings from the garages corner location, then the first tree location (image 25 and 26).

Image 25: Taking shots from the first tree corner with the laser device

Image 26: Recording the point’s measurements from the laser device

The points we chose to take recordings of included trees, the beehives, the wooden pallets, and the garden post. All of these features can be observed in the images under the survey location for survey 2 above. We took 5 extra points just in case any of our other ones were out of bounds or didn’t work.

Later the recordings were entered into the Excel spreadsheet (image 27) we started earlier, during equipment failure.
Image 27: Excel spreadsheet recordings from our second survey

This spreadsheet only had 6 columns, instead of 7, because we only took 1 distance this reading this. They were titled the same as described above, except in a different order, and contained the same information.
Again, the spreadsheet was imported into our geodatabase, and the Bearing Distance to Line Tool was run. Again, the tool executed but the lines were in the middle of nowhere, the same place there were with the first survey. So, we again used the identify tool in ArcMap to get the lat/long of our 3 corners. We entered these numbers into our spreadsheet, imported it, and ran the tool. This time it worked (image 28).

Image 28: Lines created from our distance and azimuth recording using the “Bearing Distance to Line” command
Next, we had to convert our data to points. Again, we did this by using the “Feature Vertices to Points” command. The tool ran and executed properly (image 29).
Image 29: Points created using the "Feature Vertices to Points” command
Our first survey went well for the most part. All our distances were on, but we had 3 azimuths that were wrong; this caused our lines to go into the direction (image 30).

Image 30: Results of our first survey

Here you can see the azimuths are off. We think this happened because we weren’t using the device properly. We realized we weren’t holding the button down until a recording came onto the screen; we just hit the button and released it.
The results for the second survey were ok, but could’ve been better (image 31).

Image 31: Results of our second survey

Because the area is so densely populated with trees, it was hard to find the exact locations of where were taking our shots from on the aerial image. Therefore, we don’t know how accurate our X and Y locations are. We know either the first or second tree location is wrong because the lines on the far left side should match up with one another. The image was also hard to work from because it is out dated and doesn’t have any of the features, besides the trees, that we were shooting at. Therefore it’s hard to tell exactly how accurate we were. We also realized our azimuth and distance was off for our garage corner shots. We aren’t sure if this is because the points we were shooting at were small and the laser was recording something else, this still confuses us.

The following images are shots of our survey results at different scales (images 32-35).

Image 32: Both surveys after completion with lines and points at a larger scale

Image 33: Both surveys after completion with lines and points at a smaller scale
Image 34: Both surveys after completion with only points at a larger scale
Image 35: Both surveys after completion with only points at a smaller scale
These visuals provide a comparison of the two survey areas with respect to one another, and the city around it. They help you understand the power of survey on different levels.

There are still a few things that need to be cleared up with this survey method and ArcMap. One of them is understanding why the azimuth is sometimes in correct with the laser, and the distance for that matter. Is it the operator of the laser? It seemed to work fine most of the time and other times not so well. But, if the operator was doing it the same every time why all of the sudden would something change to skew the readings? Another thing that confused me with this lab was trying to understand why Google Earth and GPS lat/long locations didn’t match up in ArcMap. They should always be the same no matter where you are in the world or what tools you are using to get them with. I don’t know if it had something to do with the projection of the map or what. Overall, I feel as though this is a very powerful survey method, and quite easy for that matter. Clearly having a survey station would be much less time consuming and more accurate. However, if this technique needed to be utilized in the field, it would provide very useful and accurate itself.

Overall, I learned that you cannot count on technology, and you can never be too prepared. We should have taken the distance finder and compass out with us both times. This would have saved time when the batteries went dead on the laser. We also should’ve been routinely checking azimuth with the compass, and distance with the distance finder, and compared that to our laser results to make sure there we no crazy readings; which we got for both surveys. I also learned the importance of lat/long accuracy and having a method to get accurate readings. This is something I still need to look into more to figure out, as I discussed under the discussion section. I also learned we needed a better method for delineating our survey area. No features on the land are ever going to line up perfectly for a survey plot. A measuring tape, stakes, and ribbon all should’ve been used to measure out the area and section it off from the rest. Last, but not least, like the other surveys I realized how big of an impact time and weather can have on survey. If it’s cold and your short on time your mind set might not be where it needs to be in order to capture the best representation of the land as you might want. It was a chilly day outside again. We both dressed warm but being cold outside always puts a damper on things. And, like every other college student, we’re always in a hurry to get to our next class, get our homework done, study, or get to work. All factors that play into a survey not being as complete or accurate as you would like.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Field Activity #3: Construction of Field Mapping Equipment


The purpose of this activity was to prepare for balloon mapping and high altitude balloon launch (HABL) fieldwork that will take place later in the semester. The purpose of these activities is to learn how to create our own maps.

The balloon mapping activity will involve a very large balloon filled with helium. It will have a rig hanging from it that will have a camera, which is set on continuous mode, taking pictures of the surface below. The balloon will be attached to a long rope so it won’t fly away into space. This will provide us pictures that will eventually be used to make a small, local map. Our professor purchased a balloon mapping kit before class that provided us with necessary supplies to begin our assembly for the activity. This kit was purchased from
The HABL activity will also involve using another very large balloon filled with helium. This balloon will also have a rig that hangs from it with a camera and GPS unit in it. This camera will also take pictures in continuous mode, or as a video. Eventually, the balloon will reach a certain altitude where it will burst fall back to land from space. Its drop will be assisted by a parachute that will prevent the camera from breaking as it hits land. The GPS unit will assist us in finding the camera rig once it lands back on earth. This activity will provide us with a much larger scale range of land, which will allow us to make a map of a much larger area. The website provided us with information and examples of past launches that were executed by other people. An example of how the HABL looks after everything is installed properly can be seen in image 1.

Image 1: What the HABL will look like after installation of all elements

For the preparation of the fieldwork we were not put into groups, like we were for previous activities, to work on specific tasks. Instead, the professor introduced the project to the class, told us what issues needed to be addressed, presented us with the items he brought in for us to work with, and then he let us free for the rest of the class period to tinker and work on tasks. By not being put into groups and being assigned certain tasks we had the ability to work in an area that interested us. Everyone has different qualities, interests, and ways of executing jobs; so this allowed us to work where we felt the most comfortable and were able to contribute the most. Tasks that needed to be addressed included: the construction of the balloon mapping camera rig, the construction of the HABL camera rig, parachute testing, payload weights for both HABL and mapping rig, the design of implementing continuous shot on the cameras, implementation and testing of tracking device, and filling the balloon and securing it to the rig.

To begin, most students gathered around the front desk where all the supplies were located (image 2 and 3).

Image 2: People gathering around front table to observe items for use in design construction

Image 3: People gathering around front table to observe items for use in design construction

I think some people had a good idea of the job they wanted to help work with, while others were kind of lost and just observed what was going on. Other students, including myself, grabbed a set of directions to look over to get a better idea of what needed to be done (image 4). Directions were provided by the website that was used as a referenced for the balloon mapping activity that can be seen in image X.
Image 4: Other students reading directions to get a better idea of how to accomplish certain tasks

It was quite confusing at first, for me at least and a few others. Everyone was everywhere and there were no designated areas to work on things. However, order was eventually established as people started to form groups and started working on different tasks.

                Payload weights of both HABL and balloon mapping rig
One of the first groups to form, that I noticed, was a group that was designated to weighing everything. This is an extremely important part of the process because each balloon can only hold so much weight. Every tiny little item had to be weighed. This included, but is not limited to, everything from taking batteries and SD cards out of cameras to weigh each item individually; to weighing every type of different rubber bands (image 5).

Image 5: Weighing and recording each individual item
Here, styrofoam that will be used as insulation in the HABL rig is being weighed and recorded
As items were weighed a designated recorder wrote down the item being weighed and how much it weighed (image 6).

Image 6: Weighing the items

Here a medium thick white rubber band is being weighed.
The weights were taken in grams. Once all the items were recorded that same group entered the items and weights into an Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will provide a payload for the platforms so since the exact weight for the two different methods is necessary.

                Parachute testing
Another group was quick to jump on the parachute testing for the HABL rig. This is probably because they got to drop the parachute out of a top story window, which is just a good time in general. I wasn’t a part of this procedure so I’m not entirely sure what all took place. I believe they were testing to see how fast the parachute fell with certain weight amounts attached to it (image 7 and 8).

Image 7: Example of how the parachute was connected to the camera rig for weight testing

 Image 8: Dropping the parachute out the window to test how fast it fell
By doing these testing they are able to figure out the weight limit of our payload for the parachute. After knowing the limit of the payload we are able to refer to the Excel spreadsheet of item’s weights. The group will then be able to figure out how much a contraption weighs after it is put together, and be able to determine if the weight of the payload is within the limits designated limits. After figuring all this out the professor will be able to order the proper balloon for this launch. The website where the balloon will be purchased from, along with information about each balloon’s weight limit and altitude burst can be observed at the website

                Implementation and testing of tracking device
Another group worked on testing the tracking device. Again, I wasn’t a part of this so I really don’t know what took place. All I really observed from this was that a student went to walk around campus while the professor tracked him on his computer to make sure it worked. The exact type and model of tracking device that was used I am also unaware of. The only information I can provide on this is from a comment provided by the professor who said that it was one of the cheap ones that is advertised on TV. It’s one of those cheap ones you can buy if you want to keep track of the location of somebody. It’s kind of one of those creepy ones that someone would buy to track a spouse, or something on that order. However, it was only around $30 and will get the job done. This tracking device will be implemented as part of the HABL rig so the location of the parachute and data can be located once it comes back down to land.

                Design of implementing continuous shot on the cameras
Designing a continuous shot on the cameras was a group that I helped partaked in periodically. For this, any digital camera around 2-300 grams, with continuous mode will work. First, we had to go into the settings of the camera and put it into continuous shot mode. Then we had to make sure the interval it was taking pictures in was appropriate for the activity. We didn’t want to too fast or too slow. I think our final decision was about 1 shot per second. Then we had to figure out a way to keep the button pushed down constantly. To do this we referred to the directions for balloon mapping for ideas. First, we tried using a chunk of pencil eraser with a rubber band. We used a box cutter blade to cut a chunk off the eraser (image 9).

Image 9: eraser chunk that was cut off of pencil eraser to hold the button down on the shutter button on the camera

The eraser is placed on top of a cap for a pop bottle for scale
Then, we place the eraser chunk on the button of the camera that takes the pictures. Finally, we wrapped a rubber band around the camera twice so it was tight (image 10).

Image 10: Camera with eraser and rubber band being used to hold down the shutter button on the camera

 We realized that this didn’t hold the button down consistently and needed to come up with a new method. Again, we referred to the directions sheet which also recommended tying a knot in a rubber band (image 11).
Image 11: Rubber band with knot in it used to hold down button on camera to take pictures in continuous mode

The knot was to be placed over the button of the camera that took the pictures and the rest of the rubber band was to be wrapped around the camera to keep the knot tight and in place (image 12). We tried this and it proved to be successful.

Image 12: Camera with rubber band knot being used to hold down the shutter button on the camera

An important factor to keep in mind is that your camera will tell you how many pictures can be taken with your memory card in the display window. If you feel though it may not be enough room or if you plan on flying for a while you may have to purchase a larger memory card. A 4GB memory card fills up in about 35 minutes. Keep in mind that a small map takes about 2 hours of flying time to make. Also, remember to charge the batteries full before you launch.  

Construction of balloon mapping camera rig
There were two different groups that worked on the construction of the balloon mapping rig. One group worked off of the directions that were provided and the other group did a similar construction, but did it a little differently.

The group that I helped out a bit was the group that followed the directions. We started off by cutting the top third part of one liter pop bottle off (image 13).

Image 13: Top third part of a coke bottle cut off for use as a protective barrier for the camera in the camera rig
This will be used as the protective cover for the camera so it doesn’t hit the ground, trees, walls, or etc. and break. Also, so the wind doesn’t push the camera around and in turn give us fuzzy pictures.

Then, we figured out a method, using string and tape, to securely hold the camera upside down. It’s hard to explain how the string was wrapped around the camera, plus I didn’t do much of that. I helped out more with tearing the tape, so I will provide you with pictures from several angles to observe how the string is wrapped around the camera and where the tape is placed (images 14-16). One thing to note with the string and the tape is to make sure neither stops the lens of the camera from extending, if the camera you choose to use has this feature.
Image 14: Image of sting and take formation from the top of the camera

Image 15: Image of sting and take formation from the front of the camera

 Image 16: Image of sting and take formation from the back of the camera
The next step, after getting the string and tape figured out for holding the camera upside down, was figure out how to fix the camera inside the top of the coke bottle, so it could then be attached to the balloon. This proved quite difficult at first. We realized that coke bottle was a little snug on the camera, which wasn’t good because the camera needs to be free from the bottle. This is because the wind will push the bottle around and if the camera is being pushed around with the bottle pictures may turn out fuzzy. Instead we decided to use a different bottle. This was a larger Rain-X bottle (image 17).
Image 17: Empty Rain-X bottle before being cut

Again, we cut the top part off the bottle with a box cutter. This time it was more like the top half, not the top third (image 18 and 19).

Image 18: Cutting the top half off the Rain-X bottle for use a protective cover for the camera
Image 19: Top half of the Rain-X bottle cut from the rest of the bottle

Next, we used pieces of plastic from the original coke bottle to create wings to be attached to the Rain-X protective cover. This will help stabilize the rig from the wind and prevent the camera from spinning and creating the fuzzy pictures we discussed earlier. We cut strips approximately 6-8 inches long and 3-4 inches wide. We secured the wings to the bottle with tape (image 20).
Image 20: Securing the wings to the Rain-X bottle to assists in stabilization from the wind

Finally, we were able to figure out how to fix the camera inside the Rain-X bottle for attachment to the balloon. Again, I didn’t help with this part very much so I’m not sure how it exactly works. I know the string that is assembled around the camera comes up through the top opening of the bottle. However, more needed to be done because with only this string the camera is stationary with the top of the bottle and we can’t have that; again going back to the bottle spinning and creating fuzzy pictures. To fix this two small inserts were cut into the bottom of the jug about 1 inch apart and about a half inch up. Then, another string was looped through the original string, tied, pulled through the top, and secured into the inserts (image 21).
Image 21: Assembly of camera rig with both strings coming out of the top of the bottle

The string being help up will be attached to the balloon and the other string is secured in the inserts of the bottle

Finally, the balloon camera rig was complete (image 22).

Image 22: Final assembly of camera rig for balloon mapping

The other group that created a camera rig went about it in a slightly different way. Again, I didn’t assist with the creation of this rig so my methods are coming from what I know about the rig I assisted in the creation of, and pictures. Instead of cutting off the top third of a one liter pop bottle, they cut a rectangle out of the side of the bottle (image 23).
Image 23: Cutting a rectangular hole in the side of the one liter pop bottle

Then they cut small inserts into the bottle on the opposite side from the hole, on each end (image 24). These then had zip ties looped through them, which were then secured.

Image 24: Cutting small inserts into the bottle for zip ties to be looped through
Next, a string end was tied to each zip tie (image 25). This will be how the rig is attached to the balloon. Next, two more sets of inserts we inserted into the bottle on the opposite side from the camera, but in the same area. Then zip ties were looped the inserts and secured with slack in them (image 25). This assisted in holding the camera in the rig.

Image 25: Partial assembly of the second camera rig
This image depicts how zip ties were looped through inserts in the bottle. A string end is tied to each end zip ties for attachment to the balloon. The other two zip ties are used to secure the camera inside the rig.
Lastly, the wings for the second bottle rig were assembled. I’m not sure if the wing was one piece of material of two separate ones. Since I don’t know this, and I didn’t work with this group, it’s hard for me to judge the size the wings were cut at. Again, inserts were cut into the end of the bottle on the same side as other zip ties. The wings were secured with two more zip ties through those inserts. Images 26-28 depict this size and placement of the wings.

Image 26: Assembling the wings onto the bottle with zip ties
Image 27: Top view of the wings assembled to the bottle
Image 28: Side view of wings assembled to the bottle

                Construction of HABL rig
The final task to be described is the construction of the HABL rig. Again, I was not a part of this group so my methods come from pictures and things I saw and overheard. The HABL rig is similar to the balloon mapping rig in that is being assembled to hold the camera. This is a little different though because this rig needs to be insulated so that the camera doesn’t freeze as it gets higher in altitude. Instead of using plastic bottles, like the balloon mapping rig, the protective cover is a styrofoam container (image 29). This is because styrofoam is a good insulator.

Image 29: Styrofoam container used for HABL rig
The first step was to decide how/where items were going to be placed in the container. The container needs to fit the camera, GPS unit, hand warmers, and any additional insulation. The camera placement was the first to be decided on. After placement was decided a hole was cut in the bottom of the styrofoam container, where the picture is taken from on the camera (images 30 and 31).
Image 30: Cutting the hole in the styrofoam container where the picture will be taken from
Image 31: Hole cut in styrofoam container
Then, I believe they talked about other forms of insulation that would be put in the container and how that, and the GPS unit, would fit. Additional forms of insulation include hands warmers (image 32), and possibly spray insulation.

Image 32: Hand warmers that will be used as insulation in the HABL rig
Then they decided to use a round piece of insulation to top everything off. To do this they used to flat piece of insulation and drew a circle on it with black magic marker. To make a good circle they put a nail in the center of the insulation and tied a piece of string to it. Then they tied the opposite end of the string to the marker. Finally, they held the marker out from the nail so the string was tight and drew a circle (image 33).
Image 33: Drawing a circle using a nail, string, and black marker
I’m not sure if they ended up cutting that circle out and it didn’t fit, or what; but they ended up making a new circle after that. This time they just traced the bottom of the styrofoam container onto the flat insulation (image 34).

Image 34: Drawing a circle onto the styrofoam container using a black marker
Then they used to tool to cut the insulation. I’m not sure what it was called, but it was looked like a small saw. It also got really hot and it stunk really badly when it came in contact with the styrofoam (images 35 and 36).

Image 35: Cutting the styrofoam
Image 36: Cutting the styrofoam
Beyond that step I’m not too sure what else went into that method. There are no other pictures to make me think anything else happened.

                Filling the balloon and securing it to the rig
This is the last task that was presented as needing to be worked on is the filling of the balloon and securing it to the rig. I believe this is only for the HABL balloon and rig. I am pretty sure the set of directions that came with the balloon mapping kit had a set of directions for securing the balloon to the rig; however, I don’t have those directions on hand. The professor did note in the assignment that this step would take additional online research. He also said in class that that person would need to work outside of class and in conjunction with him for this step. So I should be able to provide more on this once the launch takes place.

I thought the day was very eventful and I feel like a lot was accomplished. I’m sure there are still some issues that need to be addressed with certain groups. I believe that certain individual are working in conjunction with the professor at this time to have them completed before the launch of either activity.

It was definitely interesting to observe how individuals branch out into groups with people they know and are comfortable working with. It was also very interesting to see how others, who might not know one another very well, come together in a moment that feels like chaos and accomplish a difficult task. I was also intrigued to see how nice some people were at making others feel welcome to come in and help when they knew the person felt uncomfortable and left out. Like I stated in the previous activities, it’s amazing to me how colleagues can bring their thoughts and ideas together and come up with very creative ideas that you may not have come up with on your own.
I also thought everyone did a great job at taking pictures to record their methods. After going through all the pictures of this chaotic event I think the importance of organized recording of our methods was highly stressed. I’m sure I’m not the only one who found that going through all of the pictures was time consuming and difficult. It was crazy how many pictures there were, and how many of them I thought were useless. I found it frustrating that when I would be looking for something specific I found that there no pictures of it. For example, just an individual picture of the styrofoam container before any holes were placed in it. I’m not complaining about this, I just think it was an excellent learning experience of how you literally need the camera with you every step of the way, from beginning to end. I’m sure may people, including myself, found the methods section difficult to write and be thorough on if they weren’t a part of the group doing the specific task. I think this experience will greatly improve our recordings in the future.

This fieldwork preparation activity helped me realize the importance of being prepared, organization, and team work. I have always been an individual who likes to be prepared and feel as though I understand the importance of it. However, this day’s work was a definite reassurance. Filling a balloon with helium, and raising it into the air with a camera attached to it to take pictures below may sound like an easy task. However, it proved not to be. I also learned the importance of coming to class prepared. I was busy with other homework before class, so I just printed off the websites we were asked to look at before class. I had every intention of reading the before class, but didn’t. Had I had taken 5 minutes to do this I feel as though I would’ve been more a contribution to the groups I was working with. Again, this is just another example of how such small-scale preparedness makes a big difference. As I stated in the discussion this activity stressed the importance of organization and team work. There is no way all of this would have been accomplished with only one person working alone on each task. Well, maybe it could have; but that person would’ve had to have had time before class to really think about it and ponder numerous ideas. I think more creative ideas present themselves when strong minds work together. This activity to me literally screamed organization. I feel as though I am a pretty organized person. I feel like it helps reduce stress and is time efficient. So the way all the pictures were placed into the folder untitled and in no thought out order drove me crazy. I think I spent just as much time looking for specific pictures as I did actually typing the paper. I’m not putting the blame on anyone for that, I could have just as easily went into the folder on my own time and labeled and rearranged them. However, I didn’t because I was short on time and didn’t realize the extent this paper was going to take.

All in all, I am very excited for the launch of the both of these balloons! I think we will be very successful at capturing great aerial images of the land to create maps. I think we have a great team of students and our professor who all possess the desire to learn and make this work.